What is Pilates?

Pilates is an exercise system, originally called Contrology, designed to utilize proper body mechanics to improve coordination, strength, flexibility and stability both physically and mentally. The Pilates work can be done just on a mat, or on specialized equipment with springs, pulleys, straps and bars for both assistance and resistance. While Pilates does address the entire body from head to toe, there is special emphasis on core strength and spinal mobility with movement in all planes to decrease pain and increase health.

Can anyone do Pilates?

The beauty of Pilates is that it can be tailored to any body, regardless of size, age or condition. Professional athletes across all disciplines have found Pilates improves their sports performance and reduces their risk of injury, but those with severe limitations, injuries, or illnesses have also found Pilates to improve their quality of life. Pilates moves with you through life, constantly supporting and challenging you, meeting you where you are.

What are the benefits of Pilates?

Pilates promotes uniform development in the musculoskeletal system, encouraging more work and strength in the weaker areas, and providing release in the over-taxed areas. Joints are encouraged to move in the full natural range of motion with muscular support. Pilates focuses on balance and alignment of the body’s structure, which can often alleviate chronic pain symptoms. The nature of the exercises, combined with deep breathing and a flowing tempo, aids circulation of the blood and lymph and massages the internal organs. The mental focus required to do Pilates can leave you feeling at peace, yet energized.

How often should I do Pilates?

Joseph Pilates intended for his exercises to be done on a daily basis. Today’s quick-paced lifestyle doesn’t always lend itself to daily exercise, but rest assured you can get great benefits from Pilates with twice weekly sessions with a skilled instructor, and you can always add in short little workouts on your own time in between. Even 10-20 minutes a day of a few Pilates exercises can be surprisingly beneficial.

Can I practice Pilates at home?

Yes! The Pilates Method was created to be portable and convenient, and the mat repertoire can be done with little to no props in your home space. If the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it is that Pilates can and should be done at home as part of your physical and mental health regimen. Uplift Pilates offers downloadable videos and live virtual sessions so you can remain committed to your practice while not in the studio.

What equipment is used in Pilates?

Joseph Pilates had a habit of designing specific pieces of equipment with a particular client’s needs in mind. Because of that, we have a wide range of equipment that allows your body to experience support, greater range of motion, resistance and stability in all relationships to gravity. In the Pilates work, all healthy joint movements are encouraged in different planes in space and different relationships to gravity. In a typical session, you’ll find yourself bending, twisting, arcing, and lengthening with barrels, bars and springs.