Basic Movement Skills to Keep or Gain as You Age
My suggestions for functional movements to be able to do with ease at any time of life, but particularly as you age.
10 Rules for Prenatal Workouts
Pilates while pregnant can be tricky, as can exercise in general. But with a little creativity you can honor what your body needs and still keep it healthy and strong. Prenatal workouts, when done mindfully, can ease the delivery experience and accelerate the healing post-natal period.
10 Steps to Maximize Your Home Pilates Studio
Now that so many of us are making use of our homes as offices, workout spaces, schools, rec centers, and more, it is imperative that we are able to reimagine our Pilates Studio for home use. As long as you have a floor space to move in, and a few Pilates props, you can do Pilates at home. In fact, Joseph Pilates designed his original Contrology exercises to be done at home, with little to no equipment. Here are 10 ways to make your home Pilates space work better for you.
Lessons from Pandemic Pilates
Struggles and silver linings of teaching Pilates online, and how a home Pilates practice makes you stronger.